"Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask GOD for everything you need, always giving thanks. And GOD's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it. will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So last night I was playing around on Facebook and came across a blog from a family in Houston that would be having their first child via c-section today.  He, Preston, has a heart issue and will either have surgery immediately after birth or within the first week of his life.  His mother is trying to prepare herself for the moment when he is taken from her and transported to TX Children's.  While reading her posts, I couldn't help but sense her peace and joy and know that this is a woman of GOD.  She said that she wants God's will to be done and she has a peace that Preston will be ok, whether he has an earthly life or if he goes into eternity right away.  WOW.  That's all I can say. When I was pregnant, I went through a period when I asked myself if I truly wanted God's will.  I pray for it and ask for it, but do I really want it? What if that means having a disabled child? What if that means having a child who will not have a "normal childhood"?  It took a lot of searching and questioning to have peace with God's will, no matter what it is.  However, I can honestly say that I didn't ever accept THAT scenario.  Now here I am again questioning myself and my trust in God.  I have a lot of growing to do.  Thankfully, when I checked on her blog today, baby Preston is and is stable.  She is asking for prayer for wisdom, comfort and God's perfect timing.  Thank you God for baby Preston.  Thank you for his mommy, Tiffany, who has brought light to my fears and has caused me to remember that you have the perfect plan.

1 comment:

  1. Just came across this after seeing your sweet comments on my blog from back when Preston was born. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for your prayers. Sending you a big (virtual) hug...
